Leaving Work Behind

Everything You Need to Make a Living as a Writer (In One Package)

In my experience, the majority of the Leaving Work Behind crowd are writers in one way or another. Many of you are bloggers and/or freelance writers, and we’ve even got some authors amongst us.

That is why I am so excited to introduce you to The Writer’s Bundle a collection of nine of the most valuable e-books and courses for writers available right now (in my humble opinion).

The bundle comes courtesy of The Write Life, a blog founded by Alexis Grant — genuinely one of my best online friends. When she asked me if I would be interested in taking part, I said yes immediately. I’m happy to put my name to any project of hers.

You’ll recognize many (or perhaps) all of the names involved:

And let’s not forget yours truly! My Paid to Blog course is included in the bundle. Here’s what else you get:

The combined retail value of all these products is well over $700, but it is available to you right now for just $79.

There’s just one catch: the bundle is available for three days only. This offer expires Wednesday, March 19th at midnight (EST). So if you’re interested, you need to act now!

If you’re a longtime Leaving Work Behind reader you’ll know that I promote other people’s products like this once in a blue moon. In fact, I’m pretty sure this is the first time I’ve done it since 2012. So why promote The Writer’s Bundle? Simple: it’s an offer that offers value above and beyond just about anything else I’ve seen over the past two years.

Click here to grab your copy of The Writer’s Bundle before it’s too late!