Leaving Work Behind

I’m Going on Vacation! (What You Can Expect)

As you may already know, I’m going on vacation in just a few days!

I leave for Sri Lanka on 28th February and return on 17th March, and for that time I plan to be completely away from my business (and screens in general for that matter).

This is a big step for me, and I’ve spent the last couple of weeks preparing my business for my absence (as I mentioned last week). I plan to reveal the details of how I managed to step away from a business that is so dependent upon my presence when I return; on the assumption that it all goes well of course, otherwise it may be a very different article!

But for the time being, I just wanted to let you know what my absence means for you.


I needed someone I could truly trust to handle my email and other sensitive parts of my business, so who better than my mum? (That’s my “mom” for you American folks ;-)).

If you email me via Leaving Work Behind during my time away, she’ll be the one responding. Her brief is pretty simple – emails that need to be dealt with (mainly refund requests) will be dealt with, and she’ll reply to everyone else letting them know when they can expect me to get back to them.

Leaving Work Behind Blogging Mentorship Program

Things are a little different for the Leaving Work Behind Blogging Mentorship ProgramFor the last couple of weeks I’ve been training up Sérgio, who will be helping all of the BMP members in my absence. He’s a tech whizz and has demonstrated an impressive amount of knowledge relating to blogging in general, so I’m excited to see how he gets on. I’ll be emailing BMP members directly today to let them know what’s going on.

Blog Posts

I don’t intend for Leaving Work Behind to go without content during my absence, so I asked my friend Gina Horkey to write up a couple of posts for me. She hasn’t disappointed, and you can expect two posts from her over the next two weeks! So make sure to comment and be nice 😉

Taking the Plunge

The idea that I really am leaving my business in the hands of others for over two weeks is starting to sink in now, and it feels pretty surreal. I think I have everything well covered and I can’t foresee there being any major issues, but who’s to know?

If something does go majorly wrong then my mum knows to contact me, but I trust and hope that there will be no need for that. I’ll have a full two weeks to get away from my business, enjoy my vacation and recharge my batteries, and I’ll come back with a real mission to take my business to the next level.

I should have plenty to say on that when I return, but all I can say for now is “au revoir” – I will see you in a few weeks!

Stunning photography courtesy of Becky Hesilrige.