Leaving Work Behind

The Value Of Action

Just a quick note before I start –  the photo in this article has absolutely no relevance to the subject matter. It is just AWESOME, and needed to be here. Enjoy!

If you have been following this blog closely then you may have noticed that I have not yet offered anything in the way of strategic advice relating to internet marketing. This might seem rather odd to you, given that Leaving Work Behind is geared towards making money online.

But it is not actually odd at all. I will offer advice on such topics, all in good time. I will do so only when I feel I am sufficiently experienced. There are far too many people out there whose “advice” is not matched by the requisite level of expertise. I have pledged to myself (and now to you) that I will never fall into the trap of offering unqualified advice.

What you can find on my blog at this time are musings on success, mindset, attitude, and so on. Things I know all about. I may not yet be a six figure internet marketer, but momma didn’t raise no fool. I have learnt a thing or two in my life about the topics I blog about, which is why I blog about them.

There is no shortcut to success. You need to read, take action, then rinse and repeat. But be sure not to fall into the trap of just reading – the best form of experience is by your own actions. The sooner you realise this, the quicker you will progress.

The more I delve into the world of internet marketing, the more I realise that there are 101 ways to do everything. Two respected internet marketers may disagree vehemently on a particular strategy. So who is correct? Perhaps neither of them; perhaps both. The only way you will know is you test their arguments and learn for yourself.

Success will probably come to you more quickly if you devote half of the time you currently spend reading, to action. Even if you read the best method of website promotion ever, it won’t be of any use to you until you take action.

And do not be afraid to fail. If failure leads to you giving up, then you haven’t got your head screwed on straight. Failure is one of the greatest teaching tools available. Don’t be afraid of it. Embrace it.

In broad terms, the difference between ultimate success and failure is defined simply by those who give up, and those who don’t. Be sure you are in the second category.

So, what is my “killer tactic”? Well, it isn’t a one liner, that’s for sure. It is everything that I have said in this post. But for ease of use, I will summarise:

Now do something, right away, that benefits your business. Once you are finished, feel satisfied that you have taken one step closer to success.

Photo courtesy of kire