Leaving Work Behind

Acting Quickly vs. Taking Your Time

I recently wrote a chapter for the first draft of a book I am writing for you guys (join my pre-release list if you want to know more) about decisiveness. The central message was simple enough: when it comes to leaving work behind, being decisive is good.

However, writing the chapter gave me pause for thought on an issue that I felt was fairly well addressed in my mind. After all, is decisiveness always good?

Let’s first turn to the relevant definition of decisiveness:

Having or showing the ability to make decisions quickly and effectively.

To me, that seems like a positive thing. It evokes images of people who are in control of their lives. They may not always make the right decisions, but they are always progressing and come out on top most of the time. To quote myself from the aforementioned draft chapter:

In describing someone, when was the last time you heard someone use the word “decisive” negatively? Probably never, because decisiveness is almost always associated with success.

I believe the key word in the definition of decisiveness is “effective.” Decisiveness isn’t merely being quick in your decision; it’s being correct. That being the case, isn’t the whole argument of whether decisiveness is a good thing moot? After all, wouldn’t we all love to make the correct decisions quickly?

With the above in mind, the question I pose to you is this: is it better to act quickly or take your time when it comes to the big decisions in life?

Photo Credit: RCB