Leaving Work Behind

Find Freelance Blogging Clients That Will Pay You What You’re Worth [Introducing PtB Jobs]

The beauty about freelance blogging is that you don’t need any qualifications or prior experience to get started.

But this beauty also creates a problem.

Since the barriers to entry are low, there are a lot of writers competing for entry level work. Furthermore, a plethora of cheap writers in the market has led many to undervalue quality writing.

The apparent lack of quality job offerings can be thoroughly disheartening.

But here’s the truth: there are clients that are willing to pay you what you are worth.

I found my first two writing clients via online job boards, and I still work with one of them today on a contract worth in excess of $20,000 per year.

You can do it too; you just need to know where to look and what to look for.

That’s exactly why I have created Paid to Blog Jobs — a unique resource designed to help freelance bloggers identify and secure viable freelance blogging jobs. If you want to find more work, earn what you’re truly worth and even get paid to bolster your blogging portfolio, Paid to Blog Jobs is the solution.

If you’d like to know more, just enter your email address below and click the “Sign Up” button. You’ll get exclusive early access to the beta version of Paid to Blog Jobs before it gets released across the blogosphere.

I’m seriously excited about this resource and I can’t wait to tell you more and ultimately help you succeed as a freelance blogger, so submit your email address above and I’ll be in touch!

Photo Credit: Unhindered by Talent