Leaving Work Behind

I’m Starting P90X and I’m Bringing You Along for the Ride!

We all know that eating healthily and exercising regularly can have a hugely beneficial impact on your overall quality of life.

Back when I was running 30-40 miles per week, I practically jumped out of bed in the morning and had tonnes of energy. I ran early each morning and felt fantastic for the rest of the day. While my hardcore running days are behind me (for the time being at least), I still appreciate the effect that a regular exercise regime can have on every aspect of my life.

One of the biggest things I struggle with on a daily basis are my energy levels and motivation. I know that the problem is in part down to the fact that I eat terrible food and don’t get enough regular exercise. I’m certainly not unhealthy, but I could definitely be far more healthy.

And that leads me to today’s announcement: on Monday 29th April, I am starting P90X. And I am going to log every single step of my journey in detail for you to see.

What is P90X?

For those of you who don’t know, P90X is an intensive at-home 90 day fitness and nutrition program.

It requires you to work out for approximately one hour per day, six days per week. In addition to that you are advised to stick to a regimented eating program that incorporates healthy ingredients and supplements and eliminates junk food altogether.

In short, it’s pretty intense. It also happens to be perfect for me. Why? Because every single time I have embarked upon such a program, I have always been crippled (mentally!) by doubt. Doubt as to whether or not what I am doing will work. But P90X is tried and tested by thousands of people who have experienced great results from the program. I know that if I apply myself, I will see results.

If you want to read more about P90X then click here.

Is This Just Another Faddy Exercise Program?

I suppose I cannot really answer that question definitively until I’ve experienced it myself, but I have taken a long hard look at the P90X program and am convinced it is for real.

Consider it from a logical perspective — if you eat really healthily and exercise regularly for 90 days, are you likely to see a positive change in your fitness levels? The answer has to be yes. The only questions remaining then are how dramatic the changes will be, and what they will cost (both financially and in terms of my willpower and determination!).

And that’s where my new blog comes in.

P90X Journal

I know that the key to me succeeding with P90X will be how effectively I hold myself accountable. And that is where I need help from you guys.

My thinking is simple: I tell the world that I intend to complete P90X and I look like an idiot if I don’t. I am very publicly pledging to complete the program, and if at any point I falter or fail you have my express permission to kick my ass and tell me to buck my ideas up.

That is why I am launching P90X Journal. This new blog will act as a (you guessed it) journal for the first 90 days of my P90X journey. I will log every single session and publish updates on my progress, including all the trials and tribulations that I face along the way. I’ll tell you about all the supplements I use and the food that I eat. It’s going to be a no holds barred exposé on the P90X challenge, and as always you can expect me to be totally open and honest about the entire process. Think of it as a Leaving Work Behind for the exercise world.

If you are in any way intrigued by the P90X program or are simply curious to see how I get on, just head on over to P90X Journal now and subscribe for regular updates. You can also follow my Twitter and Facebook accounts where I will be posting regular updates on my progress.

What Next?

I am starting the program in just a few days, so right now I’m getting prepped.

I’ve got all the gear and supplements I need — now it’s just a case of doing the P90X fitness test to measure my current fitness levels. This involves a bunch of different exercises that will demonstrate my strength and flexibility in various different manners.

I’ll be posting my fitness test results on P90X Journal in preparation for the beginning of this pretty drastic undertaking, and then from Monday onwards the real fun will start.

If you want to support me by sharing my new blog with your friends and followers, just share via your social network of choice or just click to tweet below:

Check it out: @tomewer is starting @P90X and has launched a blog to journal his progress! (tweet this)

Thank you in advance for your support — you guys are awesome.

Click here to visit P90X Journal now!