Leaving Work Behind

Why You’re Not Special (And Why You Should Embrace It)

The human race (in one form or another) has existed for millions of years, and may well exist for many more millions of years. There are over seven billion people living on this planet, and in the time it takes you to read this opening paragraph, several babies will have been born.

Consider some of the most influential figures in history in any given field: Claude Monet, Sir Isaac Newton, Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill. Their achievements will mean nothing in the grand scheme of things. Their accomplishments will be moot in the eyes of generations so far ahead of our time as to be alien.

I am telling you these things to emphasize just how inconsequential you are on a universal scale.

Regardless of who you are and what you do in your lifetime, the legacy you leave behind after your death will be nothing more than an infinitesimally small pinprick on the fabric of humankind’s existence.

You can do with this information as you see fit. You have two options:

  1. Use your irrelevance as an excuse to achieve little in your life and forgo happiness.
  2. Embrace your irrelevance. Accept that any ambition you have, no matter how great you may feel it is, means nothing in the grand scheme of things. Put your goals in perspective and recognize that you are capable of achieving almost anything imaginable, as your brain cannot begin to comprehend the scale of possibility inherent within the universe’s existence.

Your potential is far greater than you will ever truly fathom, and yet that potential will ultimately mean nothing in the history of mankind. As such, taking steps closer to reaching your full potential should be a prerequisite of your living. As someone who lives, breathes and thinks, you owe it to yourself.

When you gain the ability to view the world not only through your eyes, but objectively and in its entirety, you quickly learn to appreciate the myriad opportunities that exist to you. Once you are able to gain that most enlightening of perspectives, you will be in a position to make truly great (yet ultimately inconsequential) things happen.

Image Credit: Wikipedia