Leaving Work Behind

My First Podcast Interview!

For the first time ever, I am breaking from my posting schedule. But thankfully, it is in a good way – I am posting an extra article! Well, it isn’t much of an article to be honest, but more of a piece of news for those of you who are interested.

I will publish such posts from time to time, and they will always be in addition to my main three-weekly posts. Why? Well, I have noticed that a lot of blogs with fixed publishing schedules often start to fill slots with what I consider ‘fluff’. A blog might publish three articles a week, but after a while, you might notice an article about their new pet cat, or something similar. Now I don’t have a problem with those kinds of posts (although I’d make sure that my audience is actually interested in my new pet cat first ;)), but I would never want them to take away from the flow of regular internet marketing related content. If for whatever reason I felt that I was unable to produce three quality articles relating to internet marketing every week, I would reduce my publishing schedule accordingly. Having said that, I certainly don’t see that happening in the foreseeable future.

But I digress. The purpose of this post today is to inform you of my first ever podcast interview! It was actually released back on 11th September, but I had been reticent to publicise it on the blog as the audio quality left a little to be desired. It is most odd – on my end, the sound quality is perfect, but on my interviewer’s end, it gets quite choppy. Don’t get me wrong – it is perfectly listenable for the most part, but isn’t ideal.

I was prompted to write this post after receiving an email from my interviewer which had a PDF transcript of the interview attached. Unlike a lot of podcast transcripts, it is really top quality, so you now have the opportunity to either listen to or read the interview. If you would like to know a little bit more about me, my history, and my attitude towards what I do, it is definitely worth a listen.

A little about my interviewer – she is Kelly McCausey of Solo Smarts. She started internet marketing back in 2002, quit her full time job in 2006, and now runs a network of websites that focuses mainly on helping mothers achieve what she has. And from a personal point of view, she is a wonderful lady, and I thank her for approaching me for the interview!

Download the podcast and/or transcript here.