Leaving Work Behind

You’re In!

Congratulations – you are now a basic member of the Leaving Work Behind Blogging Mentorship Program!

In order to become a full member and gain access to my email mentoring program, you need to sign up for web hosting with Bluehost – my recommended provider. Once you’ve done that, we’ll be ready to go!

Why Bluehost? Simple: because I use them for all of my websites, including Leaving Work Behind. As such, they are the only hosting company I can reliably recommend. They do a great job for me and thus I am happy to recommend them to you.

Beyond that, there are three things you should know about Bluehost:

  1. They are amongst the cheapest web hosting providers on the web, costing just a few bucks a month.
  2. You get a domain name (e.g. yourname.com) completely free with your web hosting.
  3. They offer an ironclad 30 day money back guarantee.

How Do I Sign Up With Bluehost?

Please sign up for a web hosting account with Bluehost via this link.

Please note that you must start and complete the signup process through the above link, otherwise the sale will not be credited to my account.

You will be presented with three membership packages during the signup process: Starter, Plus, or Business Pro. I recommend Starter or Plus to begin with; you can always upgrade in the future if you want to.

You’ll have extra features – such as Domain Privacy ProtectionSite Backup Pro and SiteLock Domain Security – to choose from when signing up. None of these are essential and you are free to opt out if you do not want them.

Once you’ve signed up with Bluehost, enter your account details into the fields below and hit Submit. Once we’ve verified your signup we’ll be in touch to ask how we can help!

    Name (required)

    Email Address (required)

    Domain Name (required)

    Bluehost Password (required)

    I’m Not Sure…

    I don’t want to force you into anything.

    So what do you do if you’re not sure that blogging’s for you? Or what if you’re sold on the idea of blogging, but you’re not sure what to call your site or what domain name to choose?

    No problem! Just get in touch with me and let me know what’s on your mind. I’ll be happy to answer your questions.