Leaving Work Behind

Learn How You Can Leave Work Behind

When The Time Is Right!

The last month has been a rollercoaster ride. Most of it has been a hard slog. But, I have persisted, and things are now looking up. Such is the way of the world.

Ever since I launched my first niche site back in May, I have effectively been banging my head against a brick wall. I knew that I wanted to leave work behind, but I had no firm idea how I was going to do it. But you know what? All that head banging was worth it.

You might look at my financial achievements to date and consider them pitiful (quite right you are too). But forget about income generation; I have been earning something far more valuable – experience.

Despite the fact that I have actually lost money since I started out on this road, I would have paid a damn sight more to gain the experience. All of my efforts to date have been a hugely worthwhile investment.

Never underestimate the worth of mistakes – they teach you invaluable lessons.

So What Now?

I have reassessed my projects in light of my plans for the future.

Modeling For Kids

Modeling For Kids still languishes in the Google ‘sandbox’, and shows no sign of being rescued. My efforts on that project will now be minimal. Whilst I will continue to find out what I can do to recover the site (if indeed I can), the bulk of my attention will be focused elsewhere.

Deal With Anxiety

I will continue to write content for this site (which you can read more about here), as I do see it as a valuable experiment in understanding how Google operates. I am however not particularly confident that the financial rewards will ever match my efforts.

My Joint Venture with Joseph Archibald

Yep, I’m springing this one on you out of the blue. For the past few weeks, I have been working with Joseph Archibald from Life and Times of an Internet Marketer. You may know him better as the guy behind Pat Flynn’s backlinking strategy that works.

I am very lucky to be working with someone who has such extensive experience in SEO and internet marketing in general. Unfortunately, I will not be revealing the identity of the site we are working on. Experience has taught me that one or two bad apples in the group will seek to copycat our efforts and plagiarize our content. I apologize to the vast majority of you who would never dream of doing such a thing.

My Staff Writing Role at WMPU.org

This is the last surprise; I promise. 😉 A few weeks ago I applied for a writing job at WPMU, which many of you will no doubt be familiar with as one of (if not the) internet’s best source for WordPress news, tips, plugins, and theme reviews. After successfully passing a trial, they have offered me an extended trial / ongoing arrangement.

I am really looking forward to writing for WPMU – it is a great opportunity to better my writing skills and develop my experience. I hope that I can exceed their expectations and provide articles of real quality, and look forward to establishing myself as a long term member of the team.

How Does Any Of This Help You?

Very good question, given that in my last article, I specifically pledged to “give you what you want”.

Well, I know that you want to leave work behind. That is why you are here. You want to become self-employed and work on your own terms. Although I have never doubted that I will leave work behind, the events leading up to this point have combined to incite a step up in my confidence. Not only will I leave work behind, it will happen soon.

So What Is The Lesson To Take From This?

Never stop persisting with your efforts.

Approach your goals with the right mindset.

Do it for the right reasons.

Stay focused.

Take action.

Nuture your enthusiasm.

Believe that you can succeed.

Revel in the experience that failure brings.

Overcome every obstacle and take heart from knowing that you have just made it one step closer to your ultimate goal.

Never give up.

As long as your Endgame is not completely insane, giving up is the only thing that can stop you from getting what you want.

I have spent nearly 4 ½ months slogging away for no tangible return. All of that hard work is now starting to lead to results, and I am finally able to get a proper handle on how I will succeed.

Stick Around

Monday will mark the beginning of a content creation strategy that is specifically and solely geared towards helping you to leave work behind. I have wandered too far away from my original intentions with this blog, but now I am back on track.

I will no longer be distracted in my aim. Three times a week, without fail, you will be able to take one step closer to your goals through the guidance I will offer you.

I promise not to disappoint you, and hope instead to exceed your expectations.

Let’s do this.

Photo courtesy of Kevin Krebs