Leaving Work Behind

Guest Blogging: How to Guest Post Successfully

Attract waves of traffic to your blog with guest posting.

I’m just going to come straight out and say it — guest blogging is awesome. If you have any interest at all in growing your blog you should be guest posting. If you are simply sitting back and waiting for traffic to flood to your blog, you will not get very far.

It takes a whole lot of hard work to achieve that “critical mass” where traffic starts to find you — rather than the other way around — and guest blogging is the quickest way to get there. And you can make the journey a whole lot easier by following an effective guest blogging strategy. I just so happen to have compiled such a strategy in a guide that I am making available to you today.

The advice in my guide is based upon my own personal experience along with the observation of some of the best guest posters out there, such as Danny Iny, Onibalusi Bamidele, and Greg Ciotti. The advice in my guide is the product of a lot of hard work and trial and error.

My guide to successful guest posting covers the following key areas:

  1. What Is Guest Blogging?
  2. Why Should You Guest Blog?
  3. How To Find Guest Blog Opportunities
  4. How To Get Your Guest Blogs Approved
  5. Guest Blogging For SEO
  6. Writing Guest Blogs That Convert
  7. The Most Important Part of Guest Blogging

So what are you waiting for? You’re just a few clicks away from having the key to building a successful blog in your hands!

Update 11th February 2013: this guide is no longer available directly from Leaving Work Behind. You can however pick it up from Amazon for just a few bucks. Enjoy!

Creative Commons photo courtesy of …-Wink-…